Heard on The LDA Podcast Jordan Greene is a college freshman with ADHD, an author, motivational speaker, and an advocate for individuals with LD and ADHD. In middle school, Jordan saw…
How College Students with LD Can Self-Advocate
What is self-advocacy? Self-advocacy is the act of representing yourself and your interests by speaking up for yourself. It means explaining your learning disability to others, and telling them how…
Rights and Responsibilities of College Students with Learning Disabilities (LD)
Legal Rights of College Students with LD Academic accommodations are required by law for eligible college students with LD. Accommodations are changes in the learning and testing environments that give…
Transitioning from College to Work
Transitioning from college to work is a process. Students must begin this process early and be able to transfer knowledge of their learning disability (LD) into the world of employment.…
College Success: Learning Despite Learning Disabilities
Dale Brown, a disability policy expert, shares her success story of entering college with a learning disability.
Learning Disabilities and The Law: After High School: An Overview for Students
Do the legal rights of students with learning disabilities continue after high school? Depending on the individual and the learning disability, legal rights may or may not continue after high…
Post Secondary Educational Options
There are many postsecondary options for people who have learning disabilities. Whether it’s a four-year college, a two-year college, a technical program, adult basic education, continuing education, or a life…