The Learning Disabilities Association of Pennsylvania (LDA of PA) has created two multisensory reading programs in Pittsburgh. So far, over 80 students have benefited from these programs.
Teaching Reading
Dyslexia Basics, from The International Dyslexia Association
This guide covers the definition and effects of dyslexia, and other information such as signs of dyslexia, how dyslexia is diagnosed, and how dyslexia is treated.
The Reading Brain: Executive Function Hard at Work
by Linda R. Hecker When I talk with educators across the country, they often lament that students don’t read much anymore, especially in the face of ubiquitous social and multimedia distractions.…
The Third-Grade Reader
by Margaret Blood and Richard Weissbourd State education officials recently trumpeted gains in 10th-grade MCAS scores, while headlines warned that 6,000 high school seniors have not yet passed the science…
- Adult Literacy
- Adults
- Adults with Learning Disabilities
- Educators
- Teaching Adults with LD
- Teaching Reading
- workforce
Proven Methods for Adults with Word Reading Challenges
A well-trained teacher or tutor in an adult literacy program should be trained in at least three methods, including the multisensory approach, which has proven to be effective for adult…
Accommodations, Techniques and Aids For Learning
While the majority of a student’s program should be as closely aligned with the general education curriculum as possible, some accommodations and modifications may be necessary. Listed below are some…
Summer Reading Tips for Parents
Summer shouldn’t mean taking a break from learning, especially reading. Studies show that most students experience a loss of reading skills over the summer months, but children who continue to…
Successful Strategies for Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities
Research continues to confirm that we can teach students with learning disabilities to “learn how to learn.” We can put them into a position to compete and hold their own.…
Reading Instruction: Tips for Teachers
Reading is the single most important educational skill your students will learn. Understanding the organization and meaning of text and instruction in both phonics and literature is essential to helping…