This guide covers the definition and effects of dyslexia, and other information such as signs of dyslexia, how dyslexia is diagnosed, and how dyslexia is treated.
LD/ADHD Basics
What is Auditory Processing Disorder, Child Mind Institute
By Caroline Miller, the editorial director of the Child Mind Institute.
Identifying and Treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Resource for School And Home
This resource guide designed for families and educators provides information on how (ADHD) is identified and treated.
An Action Guide for ADHD: Next Steps for Patients, Clinicians, and Insurers
This Action Guide is based on the results of a public review process of treatment options for ADHD.
Tips for Parents of Children with LD/ADHD
Parents are always looking for hints that will make learning easier for their LD/ADHD child. This article suggests some helpful tips that LDA parents have learned from one another over…
Evaluating Children to Determine Eligibility for Special Education Services and Reevaluation Requirements
Evaluating children to determine eligibility for special education services is an issue with which many parents and educators struggle. There are many factors to consider during a comprehensive evaluation of…
The Ins and Outs of Learning Disabilities
Learning disabilities (LD) is a broader term in the United States to describe various types of neurologically-based processing problems. These processing disorders can interfere with learning basic life functioning skills…
Eligibility: Determining Whether a Child is Eligible for Special Education Services
When is a child’s eligibility for special education and related services determined? In most states the eligibility of a child for special education and related services is considered when a…