By Rae Jacobson, writer and content engagement specialist at the Child Mind Institute.
Early Childhood
Early Childhood Intervention Makes a Difference
Parents are their child’s first teachers. Understanding what their child must have to grow, learn and thrive can be a tremendous learning process for every parent. Much is known about…
Early Childhood Committee Targets National Concerns
Finally Congress and some state and local leaders are starting to understand the importance of early childhood education. Equal access to quality early childhood education is a different matter and…
The Third-Grade Reader
by Margaret Blood and Richard Weissbourd State education officials recently trumpeted gains in 10th-grade MCAS scores, while headlines warned that 6,000 high school seniors have not yet passed the science…
Reading Instruction: Tips for Teachers
Reading is the single most important educational skill your students will learn. Understanding the organization and meaning of text and instruction in both phonics and literature is essential to helping…