LDA Public Policy Priorities

LDA advocates to ensure that each individual with learning disabilities is identified, supported, and protected. We support policies and practices that ensure every person with a learning disability will have…


Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) IDEA is a law ensuring services to children with disabilities throughout the nation. IDEA governs how states and public agencies provide early intervention, special…

We Need to Keep (but Revise) the Specific Learning Disability Construct in IDEA

Some professionals are once again suggesting that specific learning disabilities (SLD) is no longer a useful construct and perhaps should be replaced or even eliminated altogether. he purpose of this commentary is to examine why we still need to identify students with SLD, explain the main characteristics of SLD, and make a few suggestions for the revision of SLD in the re-authorization of IDEA 2004. 

Meet Our Members: Meet Kari Fotis!

Tell us about yourself! I am the owner and Director of the Hampton Roads Dyslexia Center (HRDC) in Newport News, VA. I opened the center in 2020 after nearly 20…