Our 62nd annual international Conference | february 27 - march 1, 2025 | orlando, florida

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For decades a LDA legislative priority has been the full funding of IDEA. LDA wants to recognize and applaud Senators Van Hollen (D-MD) and Roberts (R-KS) and Representative Huffman (D-CA), Senate and House bill sponsors, as well as their co-sponsors, who have just introduced bipartisan bills to fully fund the IDEA (S. 866 and H.R. 1878). Call or email your Senators and your Representative. Tell them you are a constituent and a member of the Learning Disabilities Association of America, and that you support these bills! If your senators and representative have not yet signed on as co-sponsors, ask them to do so…and thank them for any past support for students with learning disabilities.

IDEA is one of the laws that supports students with learning disabilities. Fully funding IDEA means that schools will have more resources and can improve services to educate those students. [If you don’t know your senators and/or representatives, go to https://www.govtrack.us/ and put in your street address.]

Full information on this effort can be found here: https://www.vanhollen.senate.gov/news/press-releases/van-hollen-roberts-introduce-bipartisan-bicameral-legislation-to-fully-fund-special-education-