The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed in December of 2015 and ESSA amends the Elementary and Secondary Education Act to provide funding to K-12 schools to ensure a quality public education for all students. ESSA authorizes funds for professional development, instructional materials, resources to support educational programs, and for promotion of parental involvement. ESSA replaced the No Child Left Behind Act of 2002.
Professional Resources
Identifying and Implementing Educational Practices Supported By Rigorous Evidence: A User Friendly Guide
Guide seeks to provide educational practitioners with user-friendly tools to distinguish practices supported by rigorous evidence from those that are not.
An Action Guide for ADHD: Next Steps for Patients, Clinicians, and Insurers
This Action Guide is based on the results of a public review process of treatment options for ADHD.
Learning Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal
The latest issue (Volume 20, Issue 2) of, “Learning Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal,” has recently been released. In this issue you will find a wide variety of articles that continue to expand our knowledge base on important topics in the field of learning disabilities. This issue is published by Sagamore Publishing for LDA . Grab a PDF of one of the current articles, find out more about the Journal and learn how to subscribe and receive a copy of this timely issue by clicking the title of this article or the image to the left.
Executive Functions Development and Learning Disabilities
Elkanon Goldberg states “The human brain is the most complex natural system in the known universe.” Many researchers suggest that executive functions can be thought of as a set of…
Doctor to Doctor: Information on Learning Disabilities for Pediatricians and other Physicians
School is the “workplace” for children and adolescents. Successful school performance is essential for psychological growth and development. Social competency and social skills are developed, then shaped within the family…
SLD Evaluation: Linking Cognitive Assessment Data to Learning Strategies
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) Â 2004, Â and subsequent regulations published August 2006 have significantly changed the way students suspected of having specific learning disabilities (SLD) are identified…
The Concept of ADHD Is Changing. How Does This Impact You or Your Child?
September 2013 The concept of inattention, one of the three behaviors found with ADHD, is changing. And, with this change, the explanation of what is ADHD is expanding. The understanding…
Changes in DSM 5 and its Impact on Individuals with Learning Disabilities
September 2013 The “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual” or DSM is a manual for use by physicians as well as other health and mental health professionals. Its purpose is to provide…