ADA Accommodations for Online College Courses

by Vita Alligood, Marcus Anderson, Lynetter Favors, Christina Godard, Kathryn Kelly, and Wendy Schweitzer Today, students have numerous opportunities for achieving their educational goals.  One method of receiving instruction at…

Transitioning from College to Work

Transitioning from college to work is a process. Students must begin this process early and be able to transfer knowledge of their learning disability (LD) into the world of employment.…

Performing a College Campus Accessibility Audit

Students need to make sure the college they choose is addressing the Accessibility of Emerging Technology “It is unacceptable for universities to use emerging technology without insisting that this technology…

Meet Our Members: Meet Elizabeth Hamblet!

Elizabeth Hamblet is the author of 7 Steps to College Success: A Pathway For Students with Disabilities, and is a college learning disabilities specialist. Elizabeth is an LDA member to…