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by: Suzanne Fornaro, Nominating Committee

The following officers were elected by the Assembly of Delegates during their Annual Meeting on Tuesday, February 16, 2016, at the Marriott’s Orlando World Center Hotel in Orlando, Florida.

President, 2-year term, 2016-2018
Patricia M. Lillie North Carolina

Officers, 1-year term, 2016-17
1st Vice President: Robert Broudo, Massachusetts
2nd Vice President: Sylvia Youngblood, California
Secretary: Loreena Parks, Michigan
Treasurer: Jonathan Jones, Wyoming

All officers, except the LDA President, are elected for a one-year term. The term of the President is two years. Immediate Past President Allen Broyles will serve on the Executive Committee until February 2018. Beth McGaw was elected by the Board of Directors to be their representative on the Executive Committee for the next year. Patricia Useem, Indiana, was elected by the State Presidents to serve as their representative on the Board of Directors.

Board Members, 3-year terms, 2016-2019
Jo Anna Barnes, North Carolina
Ernie Florence, Illinois
Ginny Simank, Texas
Myrna Soule, Oregon

Board Member, 2-year term, 2016-2018
Vicki Goshon, Iowa

Board Members, 1-year term, 2016-2017
Evie Lindberg, Oklahoma
Marcia Livingston, Oklahoma

Continuing Board Members and their year of term expiration
Donna Brigham, Tennessee 2018
Jennifer Harkins, Connecticut 2018
Beth McGaw, Texas 2018
Analisa Smith, South Carolina 2017
B.J. Wiemer, Missouri 2017

The Nominating Committee worked diligently to select candidates who bring a variety of skills and experience to the Board.

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