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Janet LernerIt is with deep sadness that we share with you that Dr. Janet Lerner passed away on May 26, 2015.

Janet was a long-time supporter of Learning Disability Association’s since the late 1960’s, speaking at nearly every annual conference; and chairing the 1991 Chicago Program. She had served on the Professional Advisory Board for many years and was the recipient of our highest recognition, the LDA Award in 1978.  Janet also served as editor or co-editor of LDA’s professional journal Learning Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal until 2012.

Janet’s textbook, Learning Disabilities and Related Disabilities: Strategies for Success, currently in its 13th edition, set the standard for students working toward certification in special education.

We will all miss her greatly–her understanding, her knowledge, her caring, her stamina, and her hard work.  Rest in peace, Janet, knowing that you made a world of difference for so many.