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Workforce Centers: One-Stop Services

What are Workforce Centers?

Workforce Centers provide basic employment, training, literacy and rehabilitation services. They are found in every state. In addition to basic services, they also provide access to other intensive and training services. If you are an adult with a learning disability who needs help finding a job, your local workforce center may be able to help you.

What are the basic services?

  • Outreach, intake, and orientation to services;
  • Initial testing of skill levels, aptitudes, abilities, and support services;
  • Job search and placement assistance with career counseling (if needed);
  • General employment information and local/statewide labor market data;
  • Program information, including costs of partner training services, youth employment and training activities, adult basic education activities, postsecondary activities, and vocational rehabilitation program activities;
  • Information about availability of support services including child care and transportation; and
  • Information about filing unemployment insurance claims.

What are the intensive services?

  • Comprehensive and specialized assessment of specific skill levels;
  • Individual employment plan development and implementation;
  • Individual career-based counseling; and
  • Short-term pre-vocational and pre-employment services.

How can I get training services?

Training services may be available to people who:

  • Have met the eligibility requirements for intensive services and are still unable to get or keep a job;
  • Have the skills and qualifications to successfully participate in training;
  • Choose programs that are directly linked to job opportunities; and
  • Meet the financial need requirements.

What kinds of training services do workforce centers offer?

  • Occupational skills training;
  • On-the-job training; and
  • Workplace training with related instruction.

What kinds of “related instruction” may be included with workforce training?

  • Cooperative education programs;
  • Training programs provided by private businesses or individuals;
  • Skill upgrading and retraining;
  • Entrepreneurial training (starting your own business);
  • Apprenticeship training; and
  • Job readiness training.

Adult basic education/literacy activities can be included with other training activities. Also, customized training may be an option when an employer or group of employers agree to hire someone after successfully completing the training program.

Workforce Center information is also on Facebook or Twitter. The links to both social networks are on the service locator website above.

Get information about finding jobs at the Department of Labor Employment & Training website.