Learn how ADHD is identified, the types of ADHD, treatments and accommodations, how ADHD co-occurs with LD, and more.
An Action Guide for ADHD: Next Steps for Patients, Clinicians, and Insurers
This Action Guide is based on the results of a public review process of treatment options for ADHD.
Testing Accommodations for ADHD: Evidence that the Status Quo is Ineffective
Here at LDA, we’re very proud of our quarterly journal, Learning Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal. The following is an excerpt from a study published in our most recent issue. Access…
Treatment of ADHD
Treatment options for children and adolescents with ADHD include medication, psychotherapy, behavioral therapy, and social skills training. There are times when the entire family of a child with ADHD can…
Medications for ADHD/ADD
ADHD is a neurological disorder resulting from a deficiency of a specific neurotransmitter in specific areas of the brain. This transmitter is norepinephrine or one of its building blocks, dopamine…
The Concept of ADHD Is Changing. How Does This Impact You or Your Child?
September 2013 The concept of inattention, one of the three behaviors found with ADHD, is changing. And, with this change, the explanation of what is ADHD is expanding. The understanding…