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Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA)

What is the RSA?

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The Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) oversees grant programs that help individuals with disabilities, including learning disabilities, to obtain employment and live more independently by providing supports like counseling, medical and psychological services, job training and other individualized services.

RSA’s major Title I formula grant program provides funds to state vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies to provide employment-related services for individuals with disabilities, giving priority to individuals who are the most significantly disabled.

What can my local VR agency do to help me?

Local VR programs help people with disabilities overcome obstacles by encouraging them to focus on their ability and training needed to empower them to become employed.

Who is eligible for VR services?

You MAY be eligible for VR services if:

  • You have a physical or mental disability that substantially limits your ability to work, and you need vocational rehabilitation services to work; or
  • You receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).

Eligibility is not based on income. It is based on the severity of your disability and how that affects your ability to work.

Contact the field office nearest you and make an appointment to visit with a counselor. That’s the first step.

To find your local VR program, go to and click on “State Agencies/Contacts.” Each state’s VR contact information is listed.

Your Rights with VR

  1. To apply for services and be considered regardless of your disability, age, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or country of origin;
  2. To get information from VR in the form you choose and in your native language;
  3. To help plan your program of services and get help filling out forms;
  4. To have the information you need to make good choices;
  5. To have options with employment goals and settings;
  6. To know all decisions that affect your case and the reasons for them.
  7. To appeal any decisions affecting your case.

Your Responsibilities with VR

  1. To keep appointments.
  2. To attend scheduled activities.
  3. To attain acceptable ratings in training and other activities.
  4. To comply with medical and other professional instruction.
  5. To report any changes in financial circumstances or other agency support.
  6. To tell your counselor your employer’s name and address, your job title, salary, and benefits when you go to work.

RSA administers and supports many grant programs and projects that assist individuals with disabilities. The list includes, but is not limited to, the following programs

RSA Sample Program List

  • Basic Vocational Rehabilitation State Grants
  • Assistive Technology (AT) State Grant Program
  • Centers for Independent Living
  • Client Assistance Program (CAP)
  • Demonstration and Training Programs
  • Independent Living State Grants
  • Rehabilitation Training
  • Supported Employment State Grants
  • Protection and Advocacy for Assistive Technology
  • Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights (PAIR)
  • Projects with Industry (PWI)
  • Program Improvement

Learn more about job resources by state for individuals with learning disabilities.

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