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Since 1963,LDA has provided support to people with learning disabilities, their parents, teachers and other professionals with cutting edge information on learning disabilities, practical solutions, and a comprehensive network of resources. These services make LDA the leading resource for information on learning disabilities.

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LDA is the voice for individuals with learning disabilities of all ages and their families, providing support, opportunities and resources to individuals with learning disabilities, their families, educators and other professionals who serve the learning disability community.

What do members have to say?

“My membership in LDA means that I have access to the laws that protect me as an adult with learning disabilities helping me be an advocate for myself. It also provides the types of accommodations that I might receive to help me succeed in the classroom and in the workplace.”

Jodi, Pennsylvania

“I became a member of LDA because the students in my classroom needed more individualized attention and LDA provided the resources and support to help me help my students. I often share what I learn with colleagues.”

Ernie, Classroom Teacher, Illinois

LDA News

Become a Sponsor for LDACON62!

Since 1963 the Learning Disabilities Association has served as the premier resource for educators, counselors, attorneys, school psychologists, administrators, para-educators, researchers and other professionals, along with parents of children and adults who have learning disabilities. Our 62nd International Conference will bring these audiences together to learn, discover, advocate and work to create awareness and new opportunities.

Join LDA’s Board of Directors!

Since 1964, Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDAA) has provided support to people with learning disabilities, their parents, teachers and other professionals with cutting edge information on learning disabilities, practical…

We Need to Keep (but Revise) the Specific Learning Disability Construct in IDEA

Some professionals are once again suggesting that specific learning disabilities (SLD) is no longer a useful construct and perhaps should be replaced or even eliminated altogether. he purpose of this commentary is to examine why we still need to identify students with SLD, explain the main characteristics of SLD, and make a few suggestions for the revision of SLD in the re-authorization of IDEA 2004.