Our 62nd annual international Conference | february 27 - march 1, 2025 | orlando, florida

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There may be a number of reasons why you or your child is having a hard time with oral language, writing, reading, or math, but this could also indicate a learning disability.

Learn to recognize signs of a potential learning disability. If you have observed several of these signs in yourself or your child, you may want to consider the possibility of a learning disability.

  • Pronunciation problems
  • Difficulty finding the right word
  • Difficulty making rhymes
  • Trouble learning numbers, alphabet, days of the week, colors, and shapes
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Trouble interacting with peers
  • Difficulty following directions or learning routines
  • Difficulty controlling pencils, crayons, or scissors
Grades K-4
  • Trouble learning the connection between letters and sounds
  • Confusion with basic words (run, eat, want)
  • Consistent reading and spelling errors including letter reversals (b/d, inversions (m/w), transpositions (felt/left), and substitutions (house/home)
  • Difficulty learning basic math concepts
  • Trouble learning about time
  • Difficulty learning new skills
  • Trouble remembering facts
Grades 5-8
  • Difficulty with reading comprehension or math skills
  • Trouble with letter sequences (soiled for solid, left for felt)
  • Difficulty with prefixes, suffixes, root words and other spelling strategies
  • Trouble organizing their bedroom, notebook, papers, and desk
  • Difficulty keeping up with papers or assignments
  • Trouble with handwriting
  • Difficulty with time management
  • Trouble understanding oral discussions and expressing thoughts out loud
High School & Adults
  • Spelling the same word differently in a single document
  • Difficulty taking on a reading or writing task
  • Trouble with open-ended questions on tests
  • Struggling with memory skills
  • Difficulty adapting skills from one setting to another
  • Struggling with a slow work pace
  • Trouble with grasping abstract concepts
  • Difficulty focusing on details
  • Frequently misreading information

If you see several of these signs over a period of time, consider the possibility of a learning disability.

For further reading:

What is a Learning Disability?

Learn more about what constitutes a learning disability.

Types of Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities can impact oral language, reading, written language, and/or math. Learn the names and defining features of each LD.

About LDA

Learn more about how our grassroots nonprofit works to improve the lives of individuals with learning disabilities through support, education, and advocacy.