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Registration is Now Open!
by Shirley Hilts-Adams, Co-Chairman Public Policy Committee

The last issue of LDA Today carried an article on upcoming school board elections in most states. The deadline is fast approaching for submitting petitions with the required number of registered voter signatures. The quota is generally computed as a set percentage of those who voted in the last school board election. If you’ve been active in your school district the task of collecting signatures can take a few hours.

If you’ve had thoughts about serving on your district’s school board but are still wavering, call your state’s school board association and ask questions about the issues that are bothering you. You can also visit the association’s website to find more information. If you’re still skeptical, most states will be offering Board Leadership Workshops for aspiring candidates so you’ll be better prepared for a campaign. Visit www.nsba.org and click on State Association Services to find your state and get the needed link.

An important point: there are generally fewer candidates for school board positions in a midterm or non-presidential election year. This translates to less opposition and a better chance of winning an election.

Shirley Hilts-Adams served on a public school board, on a charter school board, and on a school board for a North Central Association accredited school system for a state juvenile correction agency. She is a long-time member of LDA.


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