The work to develop a slate of officers and board of directors for presentation at the LDA 2016 Assembly of Delegates in Orlando is underway. The LDA President will be nominated this year to serve for two years beginning in February 2016. The nominating committee is searching for candidates with leadership and teambuilding skills as prospective leaders for our organization. A commitment to work for the goals of LDA is a requirement for those who will fill these positions.
Nomination forms were distributed in early May and are available either through your state affiliate or the national office ( Your help is needed to find worthy candidates and to submit completed applications to the nominating committee.
The Board of Directors is the governing body of LDA that enacts policies, adopts plans, monitors programs and services, and sets priorities of the organization subject to the approval of the Assembly of Delegates. Prospective candidates must be LDA members in good standing. Board responsibilities include attending board meetings, helping to establish the organization’s policy, serving on and/or chairing committees, supporting financial appeals, and working to further the goals of LDA. Board members may be called on to contact legislators to express LDA’s position or to represent LDA in meetings with other stakeholder organizations.
Nominating Committee Chairman Suzanne Fornaro is asking each state affiliate to search its membership and make recommendations to the nominating committee. “Working together,” she says, “we will present a hardworking, committed slate of officers and board members to the Assembly of Delegates at the 53rd Annual International Conference in Orlando, Florida in February 2016.”