Education Funding Poll
As a member of the Committee for Education Funding, LDA received information from a recent nationwide poll on education funding conducted by ACG Advocacy and Change Research. Two-thirds of respondents felt that the federal government spends too little on education and one-third believe that special education should be a top priority for education funding.
How Does This Impact Individuals with Learning Disabilities?
LDA is supportive of IDEA full funding, particularly because students with learning disabilities have the highest number of individuals identified with a disability under IDEA.
Your Voice in Washington and Beyond
LDA Parent Survey Results
Based on a recent survey conducted by LDA, 58% of parents don’t believe that their child’s IEP has been properly implemented over the past 12 months. In response to a question about whether or not statewide assessments should occur during the pandemics, 66% of parents responded that assessments should not occur this year.
How Does This Impact Individuals with Learning Disabilities?
The results from our survey have already informed and will continue to inform some of our advocacy work on issues such as supporting learning disabilities during the pandemic and the impact of assessments on students with learning disabilities.
Appropriations and Funding Letters
As Congress gears up the process for Fiscal Year 2022 appropriations, LDA, with support of coalition partners, are urging Congress and the U.S. Department of Education to support funding that would support students with learning disabilities. With the IDEA Full Funding Coalition, we have asked Congress to increase funding for IDEA as much as possible, aligned with increases proposed with President Biden’s budget proposal. With the Advocates for Literacy coalition, we have shared the importance of leveraging funds from the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act to address the ongoing literacy crisis with the U.S. Department of Education and the Council of Chief State School Officers.
How Does This Impact Individuals with Learning Disabilities?
One of LDA’s policy priorities is to achieve full funding of IDEA. Another of LDA’s policy priorities is to invest in literacy programs that would benefit individuals with learning disabilities.
Advocating for Stricter Protections for Baby Food
LDA’s Healthy Children Project (HCP), as well as 20 of LDA’s state affiliates, asked the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to set protective and swift limits on heavy metals in baby and toddler food. Additionally, LDA HCP’s Director, Tracy Gregoire, participated in a series of virtual congressional visits to support the Safe Baby Foods Act.
Why Did LDA Take This Action?
LDA’s HCP mission is to make products safer and air, food and water healthier by getting rid of harmful chemicals.