As a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization, LDA cannot engage in partisan political activity. In fact, LDA members represent a spectrum of political views and personally support candidates espousing a wide variety of political positions. That said, LDA members have one unifying issue that crosses party lines, best stated by LDA’s vision and mission:
LDA visualizes a world in which all individuals with learning disabilities are empowered to thrive and participate fully in society; the incidence of learning disabilities is reduced; and learning disabilities are universally understood and effectively addressed. LDA’s mission is to create opportunities for success for all individuals affected by learning disabilities and to reduce the incidence of learning disabilities in future generations.
As we transition to a new Administration in Washington, DC, LDA will continue its strong advocacy, marching forward to achieve that vision and mission. We will carefully examine statements of new members of Congress and the Administration to determine, as best possible, their views on equality of opportunity and access to services for individuals with learning disabilities. We will continue our activities to educate all policymakers about the importance of educating, employing, and ensuring the best quality of life for each of the individuals we represent throughout their life spans.
One thing we know for sure – disability affects all segments of the population, “red,” “blue,” and “purple.” LDA is and always has been “color-blind,” and this election is no different.
Please be prepared, as we call upon each of you, to help us in the task of informing our national leaders about the important contributions individuals with learning disabilities can and do make to our society every day. We are counting on you to help carry this message forward. Thank you for your advocacy!