Developing a strong leadership team is of utmost importance for each state president and in the last issue Cathy and I shared the qualities that make a successful LEADER. We realize too, that our state affiliate leadership is made almost entirely of volunteers and it is sometimes difficult to juggle family, careers and your state affiliate roles. Our Affiliate Support and Membership Committee is working very hard to help provide you with some material that can help with your affiliate endeavors. Look for the “Affiliate Support Tips and Tricks” which are loaded with articles and webinars that can be easily posted to your social media pages. In addition, Cathy are I are working on creating a calendar of Presidents’/Leadership calls that will cover a plethora of topics that can help your affiliate thrive. We look forward to getting your input to design our President call to fit your unique affiliate needs.
As July draws to an end, we would like to share with you just a few upcoming events that are going on in our states.
Jamie Brown, President of LDA Maryland and her hardworking Board of Directors are excited to announce their “Back to School” Program. I hope that they will share more information about this very soon. In addition, our Maryland affiliate is starting a parent support group for Maryland families. And OH what a Spoooky time to have a Halloween Program but in October. Wow- Just in time for Disabilities Awareness Month!
Our Texas affiliate will be hosting an upcoming workshop on September 22, 2018 from 8:00-4:30 in San Antonio.Guest speakers will be Edward Schultz, First Vice President of LDATX, Dr. Karen Kohler, Parental Engagement for LDATX, and John Wilson, Executive Director of S.O.A.R. There will be two tracks, a Professional Track, and a Parent Track. For the Professionals, the workshop will cover Response to Intervention and Addressing Learning Disabilities through Instructional Matching. The Parent Track will go over how to help children become more aware of their abilities, understand what motivates them, and develop goal setting skills. If you are interested in coming to the workshop, please email Rachel Krueger, LDATX Co-President – We would love to have you join us in San Antonio!
The Learning Disabilities Association of South Carolina is collaborating with SC Branch International Dyslexia Association to continue a joint vision and project to supply every public library in South Carolina with books and information about dyslexia and learning disabilities. Last year, the two organizations joined forces to present SC librarians with a bag containing 12 books about dyslexia and how to teach children with reading difficulties, along with sample reading materials and handouts to print/distribute to parents. The LD/dyslexia bags were distributed last year at a dyslexia workshop sponsored by the South Carolina State Library in Columbia. This year there is a goal to create and fill 50 LD/dyslexia bags to distribute at the dyslexia workshop on August 10 in Columbia, SC. LDASC sponsors the SC Dyslexia Bag project by supplying handouts, information related to LD, and Dr. Jerome Schultz’s book Nowhere to Hide. LDASC and SCBIDA will be joining together to host a workshop in the fall.
Remember we are always looking to highlight events going on in your state and moreover we want to share those accolades with others. We look forward to talking with each of you soon.