Our 62nd annual international Conference | february 27 - march 1, 2025 | orlando, florida

Registration is Now Open!

by: Patricia Useem, State Presidents’ Representative

I have received updates from many affiliates across the country; much is going on in  LDA at the state level. Many affiliates and contacts, including Arizona and West Virginia, field calls and/or emails asking for help finding diagnosticians, locating tutors to provide specialized remediation, answering questions about IEP’s and other school issues to name a few.

Other affiliates are planning workshops and conferences this fall. A sampling of these include: LDA-Iowa’s 45th conference is on October 23-24; LDA-New Jersey presents Navigating the Maze Conference on October 23; LDA-Washington is holding a Workshop in November focusing on technology.  A calendar of the workshops and conferences for which I have dates will be created and forwarded to affiliates and contacts. The information will also be available on the LDA Intraweb.

There is also a wealth of ideas centered on outreach activities including growing our membership and disseminating accurate information about LD issues. In Kentucky, LDA had an exhibit booth at the State Fair for ten days – a lot of people were introduced to LDA and received good information. During October, LDA of Montgomery County Maryland is introducing Rick Lavoie’s expertise to a public audience with their airing of How Difficult Can This Be? F.A.T.* City Workshop: Understanding Learning Disabilities at a local library.  *F.A.T. = Frustration, Anxiety and Tension

And another group of affiliates provides direct services in a variety of formats. LDA-Minnesota served more than 600 low-income students through their community-based Learning Connections program. The Washenaw Chapter of LDA-Michigan is hosting an annual transition seminar for teens this fall.

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